
Quick steps connecting to postgres DB using the stand library with postgres driver,

Import the packages

import (
    _ "" //postgres drivers for initialization

A simple get method to run a select statement. In example we will the connection string from the environment variables.

var connStr = os.Getenv("CONNSTR")

//GetSomeDummyData ...
func (r *Repo) GetSomeDummyData() {

	db, _ := sql.Open("postgres", connStr)
	defer db.Close()

	id := "34940574"
	row := db.QueryRow("SELECT column1, column2 FROM dummytable where id=$1", id)

	rows, err := db.Query(query, qteNum, limit)
	defer rows.Close()
	if err != nil {

	var result []*model.DummyData

	for rows.Next() {
		d := &model.DummyData{}
		err = rows.Scan(&d.Prop1, &d.Prop2)

		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		result = append(result, q)
	return result, nil


Now the connection string looks something like this in the environment variable

EXPORT CONNSTR="user=username password=password port=5433 dbname=dbname connect_timeout=20 sslmode=disable"

Lets now enable ssl mode with the ca cert in your project. In which case we need to set the path of the PEM file. Can be relative path of the absolute path. Postgres expects this in a environment variable PGSSLROOTCERT=pathof.pem and connection string will specify sslmode=verify-full

EXPORT CONNSTR="user=username password=password port=5433 dbname=dbname connect_timeout=20 sslmode=verify-full"

Code On!

Photo by Ron Whitaker